Dipetik daripada "Acting Essentials - A Practical, Beginning Acting Handbook" oleh Alex Golson; buat bacaan TTSian khususnya, dan pelakon lain amnya.
Actor Ethic, Etiquette and Traditions:
- Don't relate to others like a prima donna or a star.
- Treat all other actors, designers, and production people with respect.
- Be on time.
- Don't miss rehearsals. The only excuse for missing a rehearsal is death-your own.
- Come to rehearsal prepared to work. (That is wear appropriate clothing, be physically and vocally warmed up, and have all personal props with you.)
- Walk around the stage before each rehearsal and performance to check for any changes or safety hazards.
- Do not do anything that could cause serious or permanent physical or emotional harm to yourself or any other actor or crew member. No show is more important than ensuring everyone's safety and well-being.
- Never eat, drink, or smoke in costume, unless you have the director's and designer's permission.
- Do not play music or turn on the television backstage or in the dressing rooms unless all actors agree to it. Make sure it is not so loud that you or others cannot hear time calls.
- Always acknowledge time calls with a thank you or other appropriate response.
- Do not disturb other actors twenty minutes before their first entrance. They may be preparing.
- Never argue with the director or stage managers in public. Discussions should be held in private.
- Always try anything the director asks you to do, unless it is unsafe.
- Take care of your props and costumes; you are responsible for their care. Before each performance, make sure they are in their proper place and in working order, and put them back in their proper places after using them.
- Never direct or give suggestions to other actors. Talk to the director or stage manager about all concerns.
- Bring a pencil and paper to all rehearsals.
- Write down all notes and work on them.
- Work on lines and character outside rehearsal at least as many hours as during rehearsal.
- Attend and participate in all strikes. (Unless it is not allowed by your union or theatre company.)
- Consider giving cast cards or a small gift to the technical director, stage manager, director and any appropriate crew people and designers at the last performance. In most theatres, it is a tradition.
- Never alter your appearance with such changes as a hair cut, more or less facial hair, a new hair color, or tattoo without the director's and/or the costume designer's permission.
- Report all safety concerns to the stage manager.
- Don't borrow or use any other actor's make-up, sponges, or personal items without permission.
- Don't gossip and don't listen to gossip.
Mak aku:
Tahun depan (2010) ada teater lagi ke?
Ada lagi.
Mak aku:
Ye? Selagi masih belajar lagi ni lah kan nak aktif teater.
Lepas belajar pun boleh lagi teruskan.
Perbualan terhenti.
Handbook yang aku baca tu banyak tips berguna.
Ditulis daripada pelakon, kepada pelakon.
Ada banyak acting exercises menarik yang boleh dipraktikkan.
Mungkin aku patut fotostat buku ni memandangkan ia tak begitu tebal.
ps: Sebab aku rasa macam ada sedikit halangan untuk aku belajar bidang teater secara profesional dan rasmi (iaitu ambil diploma/degree dalam teater) - halangan internal dan eksternal yang tidak diterangkan di sini - jadi buat masa ni aku hanya baca apa-apa buku tentang teater yang termampu oleh daya baca aku yang tak seberapa ini.
ape lagi.. edarkan kepada ahli tts yg len.. hahaha
BalasPadamno 15 tuh kekadang aku selalu langgar.. tapi aku rasa stakat nih takda la teruk sangat kot, sebab aku selalu bisik kat director untuk setiap suggestion aku, tak pun aku bisik kat pelakon lain.. aku rasa la..