Rabu, Mac 25, 2009

Apa Google Image Kata?

Tag daripada Yap ini menarik perhatian aku. Jadi aku buat.

1. The Rules are simple. Use Google Image to search the answers to the questions below.
2. Then, you must choose a picture in the first page of result and post it as your answer.
3. After that tag 12 people.

Q1: The age of my next birthday = 22
Itu dia... 1 Mei ni. Pekerja dinasihatkan bercuti duduk diam-diam dalam rumah.

Q2: The place I would like to travel to = EuropeDestinasi bulan madu.

Q3: The favorite place = Theatre
Mana lagi kan? Ha ha.

Q4: The favorite food = Chicken Rice

Q5: The nickname I have = Akin
Actually, gambar pertama yang keluar adalah gambar Azra Akin pakai bikini.

Q6: The favorite colour = Black
Ilusi optik ja aku selalu pakai hitam.

Q7: The city I live in (For now) = KL
KL, KL, Cosa Nostra

Q8: The city I was born in = Port Dickson
Apa khabar pantai PD sekarang?

Q9: College Major = Environmental Engineering
Tak ramai yang minat nak ambil major ni.

Q10: Bad habit = Last-minute work
Never Been Dressed (Properly). Itulah akibatnya.

Q11: Hobby = Scriptwriting
Tapi sekarang guna laptop.

Q12: Wishlist = 100 Hot Wheels Collection
Sekarang baru ada lebih kurang 20 biji Hot Wheels die cast. Masih perlukan 80 biji lagi.

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