Full analytical report for Muhamad Yusuf bin Amat
General statistics
Total number of questions: 30
Questions answered: 27
Questions not answered: 3
Questions answered correctly: 24
Questions answered incorrectly: 6
Percentage correct answers: 80 %
The bell curve (also called a "normal curve" or "normal distribution") is a graph that shows approximately how much of the population falls into each IQ range. In theory, if we tested everyone in the world with a traditional IQ test, most people would score in the "Average" range. A smaller number would score moderately below average and moderately above average. Very high and very low scores are rare.
The scores and percentiles above apply to tests that have a standard deviation of 15 points. The Stanford Binet Fourth Edition (Binet FE) has a standard deviation of 16 and the Wechsler scales (such as the WPPSI-R, the WISC-III, and the WAIS-III) have a standard deviation of 15. Therefore, for different scales the percentages may vary.
Graphical representation of intelligence scores.
Strengths and weaknesses
Your highest score was in Spatial
Exceptional intelligence does not guarantee results -- to achieve excellence you must fully understand your strengths and learn to maximize your efforts. Knowing your greatest intellectual strength may give you insight into how you can improve your learning process, work better with others, or become more self aware of your abilities. According to this test your spatial skills are the most developed of all your intellectual capabilities - your capability to manipulate 3-D objects in space is your biggest strength.
Your lowest score was in General Knowledge
Weaknesses are the roadblocks we face when trying to achieve our goals. Awareness of your weaknesses allows you to predict problems and find solutions ahead of time, thereby alleviating future headaches. According to this test your general knowledge skills are the most underdeveloped of all your intellectual capabilities - your knowledge of commonly known things such as important historical events and figures is your biggest weakness.
Spatial intelligence score
Your Grade ** Excellent **
You seem to have a very good understanding of physical space and also sharp abstract reasoning abilities. This means that you have a good sense of direction and the ability to view things from varying perspectives. You also have the ability to appreciate art and you can predict how everyday situations change when conditions or events vary.
People with spatial intelligence like to think in images. Once they have formed an image in their mind they then visually imagine many different results. If you have a lot of spatial intelligence and have an orientation for the arts you are more likely to become a sculptor or an architect. Furthermore, spatial intelligence can be very important in professions which emphasize the manipulation of tangible objects such as engineering and design. It is also useful in everyday activities such as reading a map or fitting things into a box or storage room. Artists, architects, photographers, engineers, decorators, sculptors, pilots, surveyors, inventors, guides and designers usually score highly in this intelligence type.
Pattern recognition intelligence score
Your Grade ** Excellent **
You have a high pattern recognition score which means that you are skilled at matching and anticipating patterns. Furthermore you recognize the underlying mechanisms in every situation and can easily understand the connections between things. This is especially useful because it helps you summarize information, remember things and make sense of scrambled data.
Strong pattern recognition skills are needed in order to appreciate art music and poetry. They are also necessary in mathematics and when trying to find logical structures.
General knowledge intelligence score
Your Grade ** Average **
You have a very good knowledge base and are generally well informed about things that are commonly known. Your retention of information that is encountered less often is also very good.
Short term memory intelligence score
Your Grade ** Excellent **
Your attention span is very good and you have the ability to hold information in your short term memory for quite a long time. You also have the ability to "catch-on" to new information faster than most people and you are very good at solving problems involving many variables.
Visualization intelligence score
Your Grade ** Excellent **
You are very skilled at absorbing and analyzing visual information and you have the ability to think and communicate in pictures. You also have the ability to detect patterns in pictures or images and visualize what should come next in a series. You have a creative appreciation of your environment which helps you in many everyday tasks such as memorizing and narrating stories.
Classification intelligence score
Your Grade ** Excellent **
This intelligence is strongly correlated with the concept of general intelligence. You are probably very good at conceptualizing problems, adapting to new situations and memorizing information.
Logic intelligence score
Your Grade ** Excellent **
You have the ability to reason well and this helps you see where a given set of conditions is going to lead. Your advanced logic skills help you perceive the physical world around you accurately and also give you the capacity to think effectively. The practical significance of a high IQ in this area is significant as it allows you to adapt adequately to new situations.
Logic skills are especially useful in occupations which involve solving mathematical problems and developing arguments. These skills are usually applied in jobs like computer programming but generally have a wider range of technological and philosophical applications.
Mathematics intelligence score
Your Grade ** Average **
You have a firm knowledge of basic arithmetic, geometry and algebra and seem to have a good understanding of analogies, equations and hierarchical structures. When faced with a mathematical problem you often analyze it well and explore many alternative solutions.
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